Wednesday, April 18, 2007

heavy heart

My son's foster family has been occupying my thoughts, as we have been in contact with them again this week. I may have a post brewing about the connections between these families and the children they foster, and adoptive parents' perceptions of foster relationships - but this week, in particular, doesn't seem like the right timing for me to attempt that topic.

Instead, I want to join my thoughts and prayers with those of you who have spoken out on injustice and tragedy this week, though I don't have anything profound to add to the discussions.

Margie has compiled a list of posts that address the injustice that has come to light regarding the custody of Evelyn Bennett. I continue to hope and pray that the deceitful, unethical practices that created this situation will be recognized by the courts (or by the people who have custody of baby Evelyn), and that she will be returned to her family without further delay.

Jae Ran has a sobering post regarding the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shootings. I have no words, just a heavy heart, for all affected by this horrendous tragedy - including Korean/Korean American community.


At 11:22 AM , Blogger Paula O. said...

Oh, Zoe - we share the same feelings. I just now saw your post, closely named to the one I just wrote. So many things weighing on many of our hearts.

Big hugs to you.

At 5:25 PM , Blogger Third Mom said...

Everyone is with you, Zoe. It has been a hard, hard week all around.

My thoughts and prayers are with yours. Here's to a better future for us all.

At 6:35 PM , Blogger Kahlan said...

I really can come up with no words. My heart hurts deeply this week.


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